Higher Learning

Knowledge is produced everywhere.

An abstract illustration of a bird flying in the sky with clouds. The bird is made of folded, lined paper in an Origami style.

Working with colleges, universities, and other organizations that nurture advanced humanistic inquiry and social justice, Mellon makes grants through its Higher Learning program that broaden our understanding of American history and culture; develop the interpretive tools and methods scholars use to create meaning; support faculty and students whose work exemplifies a drive toward greater equity in their fields and institutions; and promote pathways for those seeking to exercise transformative academic leadership.

Guiding strategies

Three interconnected strategies guide Mellon’s Higher Learning grantmaking.

Creating equitable broader access to humanities higher learning opportunities

Mellon works to provide liberal-arts educational opportunities to the widest possible share of the population, including postsecondary students at all levels who would benefit from intensive humanities study. Thus, in addition to supporting initiatives in prisons, community colleges, and other institutions, the Foundation also funds curricular and co-curricular programs that demonstrate the broad application of humanities expertise in the world beyond the academy.

Elevating the knowledge that informs more complete and accurate narratives of the human experience and lays the foundation for more just and equitable futures

Mellon supports knowledge production in the humanities by funding fellowships, seminars, curricular development projects, and regranting programs that center paradigm-shifting work in an array of emerging and established fields. We seek in particular to amplify perspectives and contributions that have been marginalized within the conventional scholarly record, and that promote the realization of a more socially just world. Scholarship produced by alumni of our flagship  Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program exemplifies the kind of work we seek to uplift in every area of humanities inquiry.

Accelerating the demographic transformation of US academic faculties and institutional leadership to better reflect the population while centering humanities expertise

Mellon has been long committed to the ideal that the US professoriate be reflective of the population at large. In addition to sponsoring pipeline programs designed to ensure that the humanities faculty ranks are informed by a wide variety of experiential perspectives, the Foundation supports professional advancement and mentoring programs for established humanities professors, with the aim of fostering multivocality and elevating humanities knowledge across all levels of academic leadership.

How to apply

Mellon’s Higher Learning program makes grants to institutions and organizations. Mellon does not make grants directly to individuals, although we do support regranting programs that benefit individuals. All grants result from invitations issued by Mellon to institutions with which staff have engaged in preliminary exchanges. While we are unable to consider uninvited proposals, we do welcome inquiries from US colleges, universities, and higher education-related organizations, and especially from institutions not previously supported by Mellon.

Grantmaking in focus

A large group of diverse people stand on a stairway and look at the photographer for a posed photo.
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
Forging a just academy and shaping the future of the humanities
Headshot of Phillip Brian Harper
Phillip Brian Harper
Program Director, Higher Learning

In our grantmaking, we’re acting on our conviction that any matter of great social import can be productively illuminated by work in the humanities.

We partner with institutions that are expanding the definition of education and learning.

About our grantmaking process